
How to find Bee keeping Supplies?

While beginning your  hobby you will face a big difficulty to find good sources for bee keeping supplies. Here are the best resources for finding these bee keeping supplies both for getting started in your new venture as well as those which will be needed for maintaining an established hive or apiary.  1. web search :You will find a variety of quality resources for any thing you need about bee keeping information, essential  bee keeping supplies and equipment on the internet. You will you find not only online  guides and virtual communities of beekeepers from around the world, but you will also find suppliers for everything from the bees themselves to different styles and...


what is The 7 Most important Beekeeper Supplies?

Before starting in beekeeping, every beekeeper needs to know that there are certain items that they need to have at their disposal before the activity of bee keeping can begin. Most of these beekeeper supplies are available at a number of local beekeeping shops or online from various websites. Here are some of the most important tools for beekeeping necessary to make your beekeeping hobby a safe and enjoyable one: 1. Beekeeping guide :When you are getting into beekeeping, it is important to get a Beekeeping guide to be well informed before beginning beekeeping. 2. The Appropriate Beekeeping Attire :The single most dangerous thing in the activity of beekeeping is the bee stings. Bees tend to sting people while defending...


What do you know about Beekeeping and Honeybees?

Beekeeping is not only one of the most enjoyable activities for many people, but also gives them many great rewards. The first reward is a great yummy reward very useful for health, growth and productivity for all people-that is the honey. The second reward is a great and very important help for nature by helping pollinating the plants around the gardens in the neighborhood or crop fields for that matter. Pollination is an important, if not the most important aspect that helps increase the production of vegetables, fruits, crops and so on. Bees are very hard workers; they spend their short life working hard to bring the nectar into the hives. Bees have nearly 35-days lifetime. After that, their wings get worn out and they aren't worth...


How to Collect Bee Pollen without being stung ?

Bee hives like as small factories producing many beneficial products for our health and fitness Bee Pollen is one of the important healthy products you can gain from your bee hives. Most people don't like the idea of collecting bee pollen or honey because they don't want to get being stung. How to Collect Bee Pollen safely? Collecting pollen needs some skills, and a little knowledge, you should know how to collect pollen by the right way to do it safely. The first thing you should know is about understanding the method by which the bees collect bee pollen before they bring it to their hive. Bees carefully collect it from the most select flowering plants with their tongues, and they pass it back to a basket on their legs. The pollen...


How to Manage Your Honey Bees in the winter?

Honey bees work hard all over the year through different climates in different seasons, so raising honey bees requires proper management all year round.  Even though beekeeping is commonly regarded in the warm months, you should give attention to some information’s about what you should do to manage your bees during the winter months: ...If the bees have not stored up enough honey to survive the winter months, then they will suffer from difficult situations during these cold months and will start to exhibit signs of starvation. Some bees may die out during this cold time and will need to be disposed of. You should watch your bees carefully during the winter season to avoid this condition of starvation, and if you find out the food...


Critical Beekeeping Supplies

If you love beekeeping ,you need to keep some important beekeeping supplies .  Self-safety is critical for beekeepers , Using protective clothing can be a good idea.  The essential supplies like hats, mask, gloves and beekeeping suits can be handy. Focus especially on the safety of your face. Skilled and learner beekeepers should remember this. You can use a hat and a mask for protecting your face.  Using gloves during beekeeping tasks is a must for protecting your hands - especially in the instances when you extract honey and handle a honeybee colony.  You should also use the beekeepers' kits to stay safe from bee venom.  Using a "smoker" will help you in working with the comb or the...


Beekeeping Hives

Do you know beekeeping ?  Do you want to be a successful beekeeper ? Beekeeping is not only about collecting honey and profiting from it, there are many other aspects such as understanding the species of bees you want to breed and the beekeeping station. As a beekeeper, you need to be very familiar with the types of hives required, which hive goes well with which bees, the lifespan of the hives, and so on. When you purchase a beekeeping hive to house your bees you have to keep in mind that the beekeeping hive you will go for should be able to bear the weather conditions of the place you live in.. There are three old types of beekeeping hives : 1- Mud and clay hive - this type beekeeping hive is made of clay and its...


Bee Keeping History from Egyptians to Americans

There are many evidences from rock paintings and very old drawings of bee-keepers in the Niuserre's sun temple from the 5th Dynasty (before 2422 BC) that The Egyptians kept bees at the earliest centuries .  These drawings show bee-keepers blowing smoke into the bee hives as they remove honey-comb .   Pots of honey were found in the grave of some of the Pharaohs, including King Tut. Beekeeping goes back thousands of years to the stone age, cave drawings of bee keeping dating back to 6000 B.C. -showing people collecting honey from bee hives- have been found in Spain. Bee keeping has been practiced in all societies and in all continents (except Antarctica) throughout the world.  At first, humans just raided the beehives...

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