
What do you know about Beekeeping and Honeybees?

Beekeeping is not only one of the most enjoyable activities for many people, but also gives them many great rewards. The first reward is a great yummy reward very useful for health, growth and productivity for all people-that is the honey. The second reward is a great and very important help for nature by helping pollinating the plants around the gardens in the neighborhood or crop fields for that matter. Pollination is an important, if not the most important aspect that helps increase the production of vegetables, fruits, crops and so on. Bees are very hard workers; they spend their short life working hard to bring the nectar into the hives. Bees have nearly 35-days lifetime. After that, their wings get worn out and they aren't worth...


How to Collect Bee Pollen without being stung ?

Bee hives like as small factories producing many beneficial products for our health and fitness Bee Pollen is one of the important healthy products you can gain from your bee hives. Most people don't like the idea of collecting bee pollen or honey because they don't want to get being stung. How to Collect Bee Pollen safely? Collecting pollen needs some skills, and a little knowledge, you should know how to collect pollen by the right way to do it safely. The first thing you should know is about understanding the method by which the bees collect bee pollen before they bring it to their hive. Bees carefully collect it from the most select flowering plants with their tongues, and they pass it back to a basket on their legs. The pollen...

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