
Using honey in wound care

Over the past several years, wound care has changed a lot, and is constantly evolving. The day of the simple gauze dressing is pretty much over! There are many fantastic new wound treatments out there today that were unheard of just a few years ago.   There are several alternative, and quite old-fashioned treatments for wounds that have been slowly gaining in popularity after having fallen into disuse for many years.   Wound care continues to be a challenge today, and many standard treatments are just not providing the expected results. Wounds can become infected with bacteria that are resistant to the standard prescribed antibiotics. That continues to be a challenge.   One of these old-fashioned treatments that have once...


three Common Honey Bee Types

Learning about the different types of bees can help in identifying which ones are more suitable for beekeeping than others. Certain bees don't tolerate a lot of disturbance while others do. Within this article I hope to give you some indication about three common honey bees' types as well as the two other types as far as behavioral differences are concerned. Behavioral dimension : There are effectively two known types of bees if one considers the behavioral dimension. In fact, there are solitary bees and social ones. What are solitary bees and what are social bees? Solitary bees are bees that do not live in a colony Social bees do the contrary, meaning that the queen the workers and the drones live all in a colony. Disturbance Level...


What is Apitherapy and Its Benefits?

There are literally hundreds of alternative therapies that are available for people to try. However one of the least known and probably accepted therapies is apitherapy. What is Apitherapy? Apitherapy or bee therapy is the basically the use of bee products to treat different conditions. There are a number of products that can have health benefits and be used in apitherapy and they include pollen, raw honey and royal jelly however the main one used is bee venom. The use of bee products and in particular bee venom dates back to ancient Greece, Egypt and China. In fact it is believed that Hippocrates who is considered to be the father of medicine actually used bee stings to treat people for conditions such as arthritis. In addition...

How To Choose The Best Beekeeping Books

To start a serious beekeeping business, some great literature on the topic will be one of your priorities.  While much of keeping and managing these little flying insects is hands on, the topic requires a small wealth of knowledge for the best success. When you are first getting started, this can feel like an overwhelming task - even for the hobbyist.  Where is the best place to get the most reliable information? Your local library will likely have a section on the topic, but it may be too much of a trip for you. It can also be annoying when the book you really want to read has already been checked out. You can research online as well, but this can take a lot of time. There are may facets to beekeeping that will come up in...

Life of a Carniolan Queen Bee

Carniolan Queen Bee is a big lady who dares to kill and spends her entire life to do nothing else than mating and laying eggs while well served and fed by the worker bees. The metamorphosis of queen bees : Before a female bee becomes a queen she will go through a metamorphosis from an egg to a stage of a mature queen which will occur in about 23 days.  The phases include: egg - larva - capping of the queen cell - pupa - emerging pupa, virgin queen bee - nuptial flight - a mature queen bee ready to lay eggs. In fact, those are the worker bees that make queens.  After a queen bee has laid eggs in queen cups, the worker bees start to select which among all those larvae should be developed to be queens.  They will then...

Life Cycle Of Honey Bees .

Three Things Successful Beekeepers Know : 1. The unique life cycle of the honey bee : The queen bee lays eggs in the octagonal shaped cells and the eggs get attached to the wall of the cell with a strand of mucus. During spring when the eggs are being laid, the queen bee can lay up to 1900 eggs in a day.  The egg remains in the cell until it hatches and there emerges a larva. There are nurse bees that have to care for the larvae and feed the larvae with honey and secretions from the glands which are referred to as bee bread. There are five stages to the development of a larva, and the larva sheds the outer skin after each of these stages. On the sixth day of this procedure the larva is cocooned by one of the worker bees in...

How to Buy Honey Bees ?

Package bees : Package bees are one of the ways to can buy honey bees when you want to start beekeeping and producing honey.   Beekeeping does include getting the honey bees into your beehive!  Having decided to start keeping bees, either as a hobby or as a commercial venture, you have bought or made and installed your beehives in an appropriate area.  You have all the equipment necessary - and now you must get yourself some honeybees! To move forward, please follow below mentioned guidelines.Buying Established Honeybee Colonies : For starters, it is simpler for to buy recognized honeybee colonies from a trustworthy local beekeeper.  It is better to buy two colonies so that in case, one of the two colonies become...

Installing a Package of Honey Bees

One of the most common ways of starting a new hive is to buy a 'Package Of Bees' from a bee supply company. Package of Bees :  The average package purchased comes with three pounds of honey bees amounting to about 10,000 bees inside plus a Queen Bee in a small screened cage in the center out of sight.The Queen Bee is accompanied by two or three worker bees who attend to her every need during the period of shipment.   The bees are provided a large can of sugar syrup in the center of this mass of bees.  This can is upside down with numerous pinholes punched in the lid to provide access to the food for their journey to their new bee hive.  A small wooden cover is nailed over an opening o­n the top of the box to give...

Starting a Honey Bee Keeping Project

Honey beekeeping has become quite popular home based business opportunity because honey bee keeping doesn't require a huge investment or space. you can start it right from your backyard. One of the major issues which require special attention if you really wish to make your honey bee keeping project successful,is 'collecting bees'. Some major ways to collect bee's are : 1. Colonies are available for purchase from local beekeepers or from other suppliers. colonies include queen bees and you can receive all the bees you want like queen bee, workers and drone as well for farming. This is the quickest option for a starting beekeeper. 2. Another option is to purchase a nucleus. In this option you will get a queen bee and some other worker...

How To Keep Bees Without Being Stung To Death

You've come to the right place for some tips on how to keep bees.  Keeping bees is a hobby despite the fact that some people consider them dangerous. All bees require being handled in the right way and they will be as friendly. Newbies in the industry are advised to acquire the basic techniques and equipment so that they can effectively raise them. One of the basic necessities prospective beekeepers should get is a beehive.  There are a number of beehives used by different people but the best ones are the commercially manufactured that resemble a small cabinet.  Bees are possessive of their homes and hence you should be wary when tampering with the hive as this may land you in deep problems. Hives are best kept outdoors....

Beekeeping Tips

Beekeeping is a regulated process of raising bees so that honey can be collected.  There is a long history behind the keeping of bees and it's not merely a pleasing hobby to indulge in.  It can also be a profitable business. But to truly see how much one can gain from this rewarding hobby, some lessons in beekeeping must first be taken.  Making sure that you have in your possession the proper equipment is the first step to success in beekeeping.The hive is the backbone of your beekeeping operation so the components of your hive are the most important things to consider.   You can start your beekeeping business by buying what is known as "package bees", which is a certain amount of adult bees typically between 2 and...

Beekeeping , Things To Start With

To begin with Beekeeping , you might not require loads of stuff, nevertheless you will find several necessary things that you'll really need to get for your beekeeping interest. Firstly, you will need to obtain your personal bees. At this point, there are several different kind of honey bees to choose from.   They've some scientific names e.g. :  Apis Mellifera (the most popular in North America), Apis Mellifera Ligustica (Italian honey bee), Apis mellifera carnica Pollman (Carniolan honey bees). The most popular will be Italian Honey Bee,that is mild and also makes plenty of honey.   Next, you will have to purchase a home for the bees, i.e. the beehives. Again you can find numerous kinds. Probably the most...

What Beekeeping Supplies Will You Need?

Doing business with the bees requires a unique set of tools.. Lets talk a bit about hive tools, smokers, and protective clothing.  These are not the only things you will need, but are at the top of the list for the things you absolutely should not do without.Hive Tool Your hive tool is akin to a common pry bar. This tool is designed to carry out a few different tasks.  Initially, it can help you pry open a hive that might get stuck due to the bees application of propolis.  Propolis is a sealant the bees use to close up gaps they think need some repair.  The hive tool is designed to help you scrape and remove any sticky parts you don't want sticking. Additionally it can also be use to dismantle and do your own repairs...

WOOW.....Amazing Honey Bee Facts

20 statements about extraordinary abilities of honey's great creator :1. They are insects with a scientific name - Apis mellifera. 2. The honey bee has been around for 30 million years. 3. It is the only insect that produces food eaten by man (Bee honey ). 4. Honey bees are environmentally friendly and are vital as pollinators. 5. They have 6 legs, 2 eyes, and 2 wings, a nectar pouch, and a stomach. 6. The honeybee's wings stroke 11,400 times per minute, thus making their distinctive buzz. 7. A honey bee can fly for up to 6 miles, and as fast as 15 miles per hour, hence it would have to fly around 90,000 miles - 3 times around the globe - to make 1 pound of honey. 8. The average honey bee will actually make only 1/12 of a teaspoon of...

Six Great Tips For Beginners In Raising Bees

Raising bees should be considered as something beneficial to a number of aspects : -First, . Producing quality honey and sell them is something very feasible to accomplish.  -Second, it could be a very good choice for a hobby which can be developed to a profitable small to medium business . Bee keeping is not a very expensive venture and for anyone with a little space it is possible to start this business with just about $300 for one hive.   The very first thing that you should do is to find out whether you or any family member of yours is allergic to bee stings, if not you can go ahead and get your first bee hive.  Another point that you should clarify from the local cooperative office, is whether you are permitted to...

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