
Cell Phone Kills Bees

Cell Phone Kills Bees
While we are talking in our cell phones and feel that these phones are very useful and very important in our daily life,  there is some evidence that cell phone radiation can be dangerous for people, as well as bees.

Studies have found that the 
electromagnetic radiations coming from cell phones, can heat and damage tissues, as well as possibly cause other diseases for people in the long term, including cancer, brain tumors, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, and more.

People are not the only beings that are affected by cell phones, however. Some evidence has found that the radiation that comes from cell phones can also kill bees, causing many problems in the environment .

Honeybees pollinate crops and other plants, which helps vegetables and fruit to grow and it allows the plants to do their job replenishing the oxygen in the air.

What are the mobile radiation effects on the bees?

Studies have suggested that the electromagnetic radiation affects the internal navigation system of the bee, causing it to not be able to return to the hive.
The bees then die off, because they are not able to do their normal activities.

This premature dying off of the bees causes the fruits and vegetables to not grow as normal, simply because pollination does not occur. This affects the harvest, which can have a significant impact upon the world's food stores now and in the future.

Mobile radiation effects can include loss of food crops and can decrease the food for animals that are used for meat, including cows, chickens, and more.

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