
Bee Honey Extraction

When you begin your beekeeping project to produce bee honey ,you should prepare some important tools that will help you to perform your work professionally .  A bee honey extractor is one of these tools that you will need in beekeeping project , it is basically a modified centrifuge which is designed to extract honey from the frames without damaging the honey comb. The extractor includes a container that holds a basket of frames in it, which spins throwing the honey out of the frames by the centrifugal force.   You will find honey extractors with different capacities  depending on the number of frames in there containers : - Small capacity extractor : contains two –frames at least , it is used manually...


How to Acquire Honey Bees For Sale ?

If you love beekeeping hobby and want to start out as a beekeeper, the first task that must be completed is to obtain the hives and equipment that you will need to harvest bees , then you can begin the process of acquiring bees. There are four options you can choose from them when you are going to get honey bees for sale : 1- Colonies : This option may be the quickest and the easiest for the beginners in beekeeping . You will start beekeeping with complete working hives containing all the bees that you will need to get started.  This includes a queen bee, worker bees, and drones as well as framing. Colonies are available for purchase from local beekeepers or from other suppliers that you may found online. 2- Package of bees : This...


Carniolan Bees 0r Western Honey Bees –what are the best for raising ?

When you start growing your own honey bees in the city for producing honey and pollinating your trees and flowers , There are many Reasons to Raise Carniolan Bees Instead of Italian (Western) Honey Bees .  Carniolans, or Carnies, a subspecies ( Apis mellifera carnica). -Raising Carniolan Bees is preferred to avoid pollination problems occure with the vanishing honey bees. -These bees Can be kept in urban areas because they are very calm and non aggressive in its behavior toward beekeepers and other people.-They are very strong in defending them selves against insect pests .-More resistant to brood diseases, Varroa mites and other...


How To Identify Beehive Pests &Parasites Early ?

There are various pests that can affect your hives from functioning optimally so in this article I'm going to touch base on a few.  1-Varroa Mites : Is an external parasitic mite that attacks honey bees. The disease caused by the mites is called varroatosis. The adult mite is reddish-brown in color; has a flat, button shape; is 1–1.8 mm long and 1.5–2 mm wide; and has eight legs. This parasite is common in new colonies. delayed treatment of these parasites gives them the ability to build up resistance to any form of treatment that's applied in the future. If an infected colony is not treated it will be wiped out within three years . Varroa Mites has reached epidemic levels all over the world . 2- Wax Moth : Although...

Propolis - Health Benefits

Propolis is one of bee products and is used as natural antibiotic in the application of home remedies.  Honey bees produce propolis by collecting sticky resins that ooze from the buds of some trees and plants. After chewing them and mixing them with their saliva and other substances, propolis is formed. Some trees and conifers produce these sticky resins as part of their immune system defending themselves against diseases . Propolis is used inside the hive for sterilizing the hive against diseases and infections by inhibiting the spread of bacteria, virus, and fungi . Propolis is also known as 'bee glue',as it is used as a "putty" to seal cracks and openings in the hive and to strengthen and repair honeycombs . Propolis...


The Bee Honey - The Health Facts!

Bee honey is probably the best natural product, the bees produce honey from the nectar that collected from the flowers The bees ingest the nectar and deposit it in their stomach, then return to the colony to surrender it. Bee honey is easily digested and readily assimilated by humans, comprising a healthy source of energy. Bee honey consumed as food is important for the balance of the biological process of the organism. It contains glucose and fructose, which goes directly into the blood. Bee honey is used by people suffering from diabetes as a natural sweetener and as safety source of energy . Bee honey helps in the control of rheumatism and arthritis, prevents many types of respiratory disorders, and aids the digestion. Bee honey may...

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