
How To Diagnose Beehive Diseases Early ?

All Professional  beekeepers inspect their beehives and colonies regularly for diseases & pests that can pose a threat to their colonies and they don't just assume that the drop in honey production or a decline in bee population is attributed to the above factors only. Nutritional deficiency and Pesticides can be other contributing reasons, so it's essential that sufficient knowledge is attained to be able to differentiate which is what and how to deal with it. The bee's lifecycle can be divided into two phases which is the larval phase and the adult phase and each phase is susceptible to its own set diseases Bees Diseases : (1) European Foul Brood  : Is caused by : bacterium melissococcus plutonius the bacteria...


Cell Phone Kills Bees

While we are talking in our cell phones and feel that these phones are very useful and very important in our daily life,  there is some evidence that cell phone radiation can be dangerous for people, as well as bees. Studies have found that the  electromagnetic radiations coming from cell phones, can heat and damage tissues, as well as possibly cause other diseases for people in the long term, including cancer, brain tumors, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, and more. People are not the only beings that are affected by cell phones, however. Some evidence has found that the radiation that comes from cell phones can also kill bees, causing many problems in the environment . Honeybees pollinate crops and other plants, which helps...


Bees and Their Effect on Us and Our Environment

Bees play a very important role in the world food supply. These small and incredibly busy insects are responsible for the way that we are able to get food and keep it. Pollination is fundamental to sexual production in plants, Pollination is therefore essential for agriculture and environmental management, and a variety of pollinators are required to maintain reproduction across a broad spectrum of plant species. Bees have such close relationships or connections with certain plants that if this connection or relation was to be broken, those plants would become extinct. Recent years have brought dramatic decline to the bee population; this decline can be attributed to intensive methods of farming where the increased use of pesticides...


Bee Pollen-- The Amazing Health Benefits

Bee pollen is Produced by flowering plants, pollen granules stick to the bees' legs and other parts as they go about their business of gathering nectar and are collected from bees as they enter the hive. Bee pollen contains all of the nutrients needed to sustain life. It is rich in vitamins and contains almost all known minerals, trace elements, enzymes, and amino acids. More specifically, it contains 35% protein, 55% carbohydrates, 2% fatty acids, and 3% minerals and vitamins. It has been noted to have a high concentration of vitamins A, C, D, and E, and it is extraordinary rich in the B-complex vitamins. In addition, bee pollen has antioxidant properties. However, bee pollen's composition may vary depending on plant sources and...


Raising Queen Bees - a profitable project

Queen bees are the most important member in the bee colony. Raising queen bees needs your full attention as you are raising very delicate creatures.Beginners in beekeeping can buy their bees in different forms depending on their budget, their experience, and how much time they are able to dedicate to their project.  Raising queen bees is more difficult than raising a colony. Queen bees need more attention and experience as you must separate any queen that appears from the colony to start forming a new colony.  If you want to see your colony producing honey as soon as possible, then you need to buy a complete colony to start with.   The complete colony contains one queen bee, several thousands of worker bees, and some...


Bee Pollen or Bee Bread

What is Bee Pollen? Bee pollen contains trace amounts of minerals and vitamins and is very high in protein and carbohydrates.Bee pollen is not found in the everyday diet. It is found in nutritional supplements and Chinese herbal medicine products.   Bee Pollen is consisting of pollen that has been packed by worker honeybees into granules, with added honey or nectar, and is used in naturopathic medicine traditions as a nutritional supplement, although exposure may trigger allergic or anaphylactic reactions in sensitive people.  Why Do People Use Bee Pollen?  Bee pollen has been used to enhance energy, memory and performance, although there is no scientific evidence that it does.  The benefits of bee pollen and allergy...


The Buzz About Using Bee Venom In Alternative Apitherapy

Apitherapy, coming from the Latin word for bee, focuses on the medical use of various bee products to cure a myriad of health problems The treatment use of honey bee venom therapy is based on the long-known fact that bee-keepers    ( who often get stung ) very rarely develop arthritis or problems with their joints and musclesApitoxin, or honey bee venom, is a bitter colorless liquid.The active portion of the venom is a complex mixture of proteins, which causes local inflammation and acts as an anticoagulant.The venom is produced in the abdomen of worker bees from a mixture of acidic and basic secretions. Apitoxin is acidic (pH 4.5 to 5.5). A honeybee can...

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